Re:Add-ons hinzufügen flat
Autor: Lukulus
Datum:12.08.20 20:22
Antwort auf:Add-ons hinzufügen von Sleip`

Im Update von heute haben sies erklärt.

"Clarification on Add-ons in different currencies
We’ve received a lot of questions regarding the appropriate amount to add to a pledge for add-ons in different currencies. Because the currency rate constantly fluctuates, a good rule of thumb is to add 10% on the base dollar cost. For example, the $20 steelbook would be 2200 yen. The $50 ChibiChara figures and Snappies would be 5500 yen.

Because Kickstarter doesn’t support add-ons currently, the only way we can do this is by having you add the indicated amount onto your base pledge.

Here are a couple of examples:

You want to order Badge of Honor + an additional digital copy + a Steelbook case.

The breakdown: 7500 yen + 4000 yen + 2200 yen

What you do: Choose the Badge of Honor reward tier, and then add 6200 yen on top, for a total of 13700 yen.


You want to order the Harmonious Squire Redux + an additional digital copy + ChibiChara figures + Snappies.

The breakdown: 22000 yen + 4000 yen + 5500 yen + 5500 yen

What you do: Choose the Harmonious Squire Redux reward tier, and then add an additional 15000 yen, for a total of 37000 yen.

One of the other questions that we get is: “Is there a limit to the number of add-ons?” The answer is “No!” If you want three sets of the ChibiChara figures, you can do that. If you wanted 108 Steelbook cases, you could do that too!

And yes, for you collectors out there, you can still order a Steelbook, even if you only pledged for a digital copy of the game. "

Nachdem der Kickstarter dann durch ist wird irgendwann darauf eine Umfrage vom Team kommen in der man genau angeben kann was man will/gebacked hat.

Hätte ich die Kohle würde ich mir auch ein paar Add Ons schnappen.
So" muß" ich bei dem normalen 200 Euro Tier bleiben :D
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