Re:Reviews zu Synapse sind da flat
Autor: Baseman
Datum:03.07.23 14:16
Antwort auf:Re:Reviews zu Synapse sind da von G'Kyl

Direkt aus dem AMA des Entwicklers:

The game has rogue-like elements, but is actually a hybrid genre that sits within "Action Shooter." The popular elements we've kept from rogue-like games has allowed us to give the player a proper power fantasy within a combat sandbox. It also allows us to tell an interesting story, while providing a satisfying power curve as you get stronger and more resilient.


I think it's the hybrid nature of how we pick and choose genre staples that really makes Synapse unique (because it has elements of a rogue-lite but is technically an Action Shooter).


We definitely feel there's a lot to love with Synapse, even if you're not often a fan of rogue-lite games. Synapse is actually in the Action Shooter genre, with rogue-lite elements. Because of that, we cherry-picked the best of each genre and created something we feel is really unique (and a bit of a hybrid). I personally struggled with rogue-lite games myself, because there's a fine line between incremental progression punctuated by death...and constantly banging your head against a difficulty spike. I'm biased, but from my time with Synapse I honestly don't get that feeling. Each death gives you a meaningful opportunity to take stock and evolve your abilities to do better next time...and it also serves a cool narrative purpose!

Auch die Random Elemente halten sich in Grenzen. Die einzelnen Zonen sind fix designed, Spawns werden nur im kleinen Rahmen (zB. nie "fette" Gegner im ersten Level etc.) durchgewürfelt.

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