five times shorter than Valhalla flat
Autor: lion88
Datum:30.07.23 19:15
Antwort auf:Assassin's Creed Mirage von Fred LaBosch


“Given that we do a lot of playtesting internally at Ubisoft, it’s part of our process, we really want to get as close as possible to the players, so we’ll say that the latest playtimes we’ve received average at around 20-23 hours,” Salomon says. “That can go up to 25-30 hours for the completionists, and we’ll say that those who will be rushing the game will be around 20 hours.”

Geht doch... das erklärt vielleicht etwas den günstigen Preis, wobei man für 20-30 Stunden imo auch easy den Vollpreis verlangen könnte.

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