MP-Eindrücke flat
Autor: Ethers T
Datum:29.06.09 12:19
Antwort auf:Call of Juarez - Bound In Blood...neues Video von PooBear

Umfangreicher Multiplayer-Ersteindruck in den Xbox-Foren


  Wild West Legends [...] each map has their own setup of objectives with one team defending them and the other attacking them.  you do progress through them in a linear fashion (cant take the gold before you blow the safe) and as the attackers accomplish tasks it moves their spawn up and the attackers back.
The bank robbery map is super intense.  First, the outlaws have to blow their way into the bank, then they have to blow their way through the middle of the bank to access the second floor, then they have to blow the door to the safe room, then they have blow the safe open, then they have to work their way down the street to blow open the locked gates to the stables, then they have to secure the get-away horses and then finally try to escape town.  each time they accomplish an objective more time is added giving them a chance to progress to the next one.


the two triggers are  what fires, not the bumpers at all.  the LB is your sprint and the RB brings up a radial menu for weapon selection.  Left trigger fires left gun, right trigger fires right gun when dual wielding.  the reason there is a radial menu instead of a one button cycle is a lot of the classes have a variety of combinations in their arsenal.  For ex. the miner has a sawed off shotgun, revolver, and dynamite.  well, he can solo the pistol, solo the shotgun, dual wield pistol and shotgun, dual wield pistol and dynamite, or dual wield shotgun and dynamite.  having this many different variations requires a radial select but its not cumbersome once you are familiar with the locations of each one.


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