G Sport isn't the PS4's visual showcase you had been exp flat
Autor: Schiwa
Datum:20.05.16 16:00
Antwort auf:Gran Turismo Sport (trailer) von Gramatik

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Well, I never thought I'd be saying this: The latest Gran Turismo – at this stage, at least – isn't much of a looker. The playable build on show in London yesterday was riddled with technical issues, from screen tearing, frame drops, noticeable aliasing and poor texture filtering. But the biggest issue, ultimately, is that it isn't as big a step up from GT6 as you'd expect from the series' leap onto PS4.

And that's a huge shame. For a franchise so often celebrated for its stunning presentation, GT Sport is so far looking like a bit of a let-down. The game appears to be targeting 1080p/60fps, but the lack of polish in yesterday's build suggests Polyphony may have let its ambition for including obscure features, like real-world digital licenses (by playing GT Sport you can, somehow, get yourself recognised by automobile clubs across the world) lead to the developer ignoring some of the basics. Even the replays suffer.

There doesn't appear to be any damage modelling, either, with cars simply bouncing off walls and each other, and we haven't yet been shown anything on night racing or weather effects. Whether Polyphony is holding these back until they're ready, I don't know, but with the performance on display yesterday I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that they'd been cut from the project altogether.

These things, perhaps, would have been a little more acceptable had GT Sport arrived as a stopgap a year or so into PS4's release. But for a game releasing on the console's third anniversary (and two years after DriveClub, a game that could end up remaining the console's visual benchmark for racers), it's reasonable to expect more.

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