Re:Glaube ich nicht so richtig flat
Autor: Baseman
Datum:05.12.16 01:36
Antwort auf:Glaube ich nicht so richtig von X1 Two

Man hat bis zum 13.12. Zeit, läuft ähnlich ab wie beim Fallout 4 Season Pass der teurer wurde weil man mehr Content als geplant produziert hatte.

You will get the download at launch if you have that, whether bought separately or as part of the Digital Deluxe Edition. However, you only have until December 13th to pick up either of these – the Explorer’s Pack is currently £19.99 – in what we assume it a similar to Dying Light and Fallout 4’s expansive season passes getting price hikes once the developers announced how big they were going to be. Fair’s fair, you have your warning.

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