6/10 von Gamespot, 7/10 von IGN flat
Autor: Rand al'Thor
Datum:14.11.17 00:28
Antwort auf:Star Wars Battlefront II: Trailer geleakt! von Pezking

"he biggest problem with this system is that it's never clearly explained. While you'll eventually come to understand how credits, crystals, and crafting components are used, you'll still have to reconcile the fact that the time you invest in the game won't always be rewarded with progress, or at least in the way you want.

In this way, Battlefront II plants itself in the same territory as free-to-play games, with much of its content and characters tucked away behind progression walls and randomized loot crates. This is an especially disappointing reality for a full-priced release. Above all, it ends up doing a disservice to the core gameplay, which can still provide solid moments of enjoyment despite the looming presence of its progression systems. Many of these issues related to the meta-game fall by the wayside when you're in the thick of battle, as you're taking part in the massive struggle throughout the many locales in the Star Wars universe."


"Battlefront 2’s Star Cards may be one of the worst progression systems I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing in a PvP game.
That all said, the ridiculous progression system doesn’t mean the multiplayer suddenly isn’t fun to play. Put simply, Battlefront 2 just isn’t trying to be a competitive game, it’s trying to be a lighthearted Star Wars shooter, and it does that pretty well."


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