Re:nicht kaufen flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:24.11.17 11:30
Antwort auf:Re:nicht kaufen von masta killa

>Zieht euch mal rein, was die Dummköpfe schreiben:
>"I don't get all the hate around microtransactions in this game. Nobody forces you to buy them, you can have everything in this game just by playing it, even the in-game currency (the one you can buy with real-money) can be earned by doing daily quests....i didnt invest anything else but time into this game and i have full legendary equipment and fortresses with 7 legendary warchiefs. This game on its own was better than i expected. If you liked the first one, you will love this one"
>Da fehlen mir echt die Worte.

Warum? Ich habe das Spiel durchgezockt und kann diese Meinung nur unterschreiben.

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