Solstice of Heroes startet am 30.07. flat
Autor: wynk
Datum:25.07.19 13:59
Antwort auf:Destiny 2 Forsaken - Thread 4 von Pfroebbel

Hier der Link zum Event:


Diesmal hat Bungie sich die Kritik bezueglich der Ruestungssets zu Herzen genommen, so dass diese nicht wertlos werden, wenn das Event vorbei ist.


We know that while upgrading these sets is a fun experience, it does take a commitment of time and effort. Lest it feel like a bummer earning this set just to have the new armor system make it somewhat obsolete when Shadowkeep releases, we decided, based on player feedback, to make the Solstice of Heroes armor set the first armor 2.0 set you will receive (assuming you earn it, of course). Whatever full Legendary sets you earn now will have their new armor 2.0 versions waiting for you to pick up from the Gunsmith when Shadowkeep releases. You will be able to see only the set for the character you are logged in as; you will have to switch characters to claim other eligible sets.

Finde ich sehr gut!
Let the grind begin! ;)

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