Immer noch? flat
Autor: Kilik2001
Datum:04.05.23 10:33
Antwort auf:HDR auf PS5 kaputt? von Bozbar!

Trotz Patch? Das ist bedauerlich.

Dann sollte dieser Workaround vielleicht noch gültig sein:


Sehr guter Kanal wenn es um HDR-Settings geht. Der Mann hat ein gutes Auge.

Edit: Allerdings habe ich in den Kommentaren nun schon öfter gelesen, dass das Spiel auf der PS5 anscheinend einen HDR-Bug hat:

"Bought this game today on ps5 and to my surpise the HDR worked perfectly for the first time on default settings. I lowered the black level slider to 40 to give it even more contrast, and the game was looking amazing. Not for long however, because  the next time I started the game, everything was broken. Not sure what happened, but from a perfectly playable and beautiful game, it turned to an unplayable black mess, by just restarting my ps5. So I thought that if restarting a console could brake the game, maybe restarting it once again would fix it. And you know what? It fixed the problem lol. There is some serious black magic going on here."

Vielleicht mal die Konsole neustarten und gucken ob das was bringt.

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