Ursprünglich mal als Couch-Coop geplant flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:10.08.23 08:59
Antwort auf:Avowed - MS Next Gen Skyrim von Pfroebbel


Original-Quelle ist der fünfte und letze Teil der "20 Jahre Obsidian"-Reihe:

"When I look back at 20 years, there's decisions of mine that I feel really good about, there's decisions that I feel not so good about", studio head Feargus Urquhart admits at one point in the documentary. "One of the things where I really pushed was that Avowed was going to be multiplayer, and I kept on that for a long time."

Das war noch in der Zeit vor der Übernahme und um Geld von einem Auftraggeber zu erhalten war MP halt immer ein gutes Argument. Später mußten sich die Entscheider aber eingestehen, dass das einfach nicht ihr Fachgebiet ist:

"We were too focused on co-op, we were too focused on changing the way our pipelines work, and the way that we write conversations, the way we do quests, and everything else," Britch explains. "After working on it for a little bit we realised that we weren't focused on the things that we're best at, and so we made a pivot on the game, basically to refocus really, and make sure that it was at the end of the day, an Obsidian game and not something different."


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