Das scheint ja was zu können flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:27.09.23 09:16
Antwort auf:El Paso, Elsewhere 19.99€ von Lynne


God, though, it's fantastic. There's a handful of weapons to unlock, all of which have a chuggy knockback character of their own and some of which have sharp, rather arch names - the Cavalry, the Strikebreaker. These work beautifully with bullet-time that you can trigger by diving, and which sees you shattering glass and rolling to safety as if it's still 2001.

El Paso's wonderfully direct, but it's also just a lot. It's stylish and clever and striking in a way that few games are, and it feels both very old and utterly of the moment. At times it's so hectic that it's best to just switch to invincible and blast your way through, enjoying the wonderfully horrible scenery with its bulky props and vintage music video mists. At others, there's a thrill to juggling ammo, bullet-time, stake count and the advancing horde, and this thrill is so sharp it's worth the restarts.


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