Re:Slappers only flat
Autor: Superfrog
Datum:23.02.08 01:21
Antwort auf:Slappers only von tralalu

> Ich glaube dass Nintendo als Publisher da am längeren Hebel sitzt. IIRC waren die es damals auch, die die Lizenz besorgt haben (und von Rare zunächst ein SNES Game haben wollen).

Hab den Link gerade zufällig wieder gefunden:

"Our source close to Rare said the conversion was a mere two months from completion, but Microsoft and Nintendo couldn't agree on the financial side of things. The point of contention, as our source puts it: would Nintendo receive a one-time fee for the rights to the game, or a continuing cut of the XBLA revenues? The latter seems to make sense for everyone, but apparently it wasn't that easy."



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