Re:Semi-Relevant: Jeremy Soule's nächstes Album flat
Autor: Sachiel
Datum:15.03.13 10:17
Antwort auf:Semi-Relevant: Jeremy Soule's nächstes Album von Aragorn

>Tjoa was soll uns dieser Kickstarter sagen? Nicht mal ein Ausschnitt von dem was er liefern will?

Eine Mini-Hörprobe einer Idee gibts da doch gleich als erstes.

>Beschreibungstext kurz in der Mittagspause abgetippt? Das ist echt der liebloseste Kickstarter den ich je gesehen hab,

Yep, der Artikel darüber auf Destructoid ist da wesentlich informativer. [] und bietet ein Interview mit Soule. Seine Gedanken hätte er man ruhig auf Kickstarter übernehmen sollen:

"1) A soundscape similar to Skyrim

In Jeremy Soule’s own words, “This is not a sequel to Skyrim, but rather a continuation of that energy.” It sounds as though Skyrim had a profound impact on Soule, and the setting of the game, specifically the far north, has resonated with him.

“I spent a lot of time in the Canadian Rockies and the North Cascades. It feels like an escape whenever you head north in life,” commented Soule when talking about doing some first-hand research on the theme that will guide his first symphony. “I spent enough time while working on Skyrim exploring the mythos of that game and wanted to start reading about real-world mythos. I explored the natural beauty and sciences of the Northern Lights, the self-reliance of Inuit people, and the great Nordic tradition.”

In terms of specifics, Soule reveals, “I’m trying to make something as aesthetically beautiful as possible, paying attention to every detail. My goal is to create something that is uplifting and has a spiritual dimension that breathes, moves, and has reality to it.” The work will contain four movements and will clock in somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes. There will be a choir featured as well as vocal soloists with lyrics in English."

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