Erste Reviews fallen positiv aus flat
Autor: Rand al'Thor
Datum:11.11.14 21:33
Antwort auf:Assassins Creed Rogue [360/PS3] von denda

"These are clearly quibbles, however. Assassin’s Creed Rogue is a fantastic victory lap for the seventh generation console era, with lots of juicy extra details about beloved characters. With a bit of YouTube watching to catch the main story points of AC III and IV, Rogue is a thoroughly accessible complete experience for new players as well. It offers a wealth of challenge on numerous fronts, and in a time of divided government, various forms of global zealotry, raging twitter fights and first-world online harassment of pretty much everyone, it reminds us that the people we think are monsters are usually just people with a different point of view."
(Post Arcade)

"Assassin’s Creed Rogue is a safe bet. Whether you’re the developers who put 
it together, or the gamer who plays it, Rogue offers a tried-and-true experience with few gameplay surprises. By embracing established mechanics and gameplay systems, the closing chapter of the America saga regularly feels like a retread. Fortunately, with much of the groundwork already in place, the developers have been able to focus on content creation, and Rogue is one of the biggest and most varied titles in the franchise to date."
(Game Informer)


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