Just Cause 3 - My name is Bolo Santosi PS4/One/PC (2015) flat
Autor: Slochy
Datum:11.11.14 22:36

Wird zwar nicht so heißen, aber Bolo Santosi rul0rte fett!


Mehr in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen via GameInformer.

Wird übrigens kein F2P-Titel und enthält auch keinen Micro-Transactions-Scheißdreck.

Those leaked screenshots were taken from an ancient version of Just Cause 3. Like most games, this one went through an exploratory phase where we looked at different control schemes, different technologies, different business models. Those leaked screenshots show aspects of that process, and in no way reflect the game we are making today.

To be perfectly clear: Just Cause 3 will be available in 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. It will be distributed as a retail box and digital download. It is not a Free To Play game. It does not feature in-game micro transactions.


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