Metroid (Heimkonsolen Version) nicht in Entwicklung? flat
Autor: gameflow
Datum:17.06.15 21:51
Antwort auf:Wii U ist tot. Eine Bilanz. von Gendo


Viel mehr kann man echt nicht mehr sagen. Ich bin immer noch sprachlos. Daher zitiere ich einfach aus den Kommentaren:

I still don't understand how I could go from loving something I thought I'd love unconditionally for the rest of my life to having such a strong feeling of hate, or rather disdain, for it in less than a day. Like I really want, no need, Nintendo to come back out and say they heard our outcry and really do something for us Wii U owners before ditching us for NX to show that they appreciated our support. I feel so burned and left out in the cold at the same time right now it's ridiculous. Never felt so salty about something in my whole life.

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