gut zu wissen! flat
Autor: Knight
Datum:05.05.17 16:53
Antwort auf:PC: Ein paar Komfort-Tweaks von Slochy

gibts mal wieder keine optionen bei den optionen :(

>Remove FPS Cap
>Open %UserProfile%\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Prey\game.cfg in a text editor
>Look for the line with "sys_MaxFPS"
>Change the value from 144 to 999
>Adjust FOV (Field of View)
>Open %UserProfile%\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Prey\game.cfg in a text editor
>Look for the line with "cl_hfov"
>Change the value from 79.582321 to 90, or whatever FOV setting you desire
>Disable Motion Blur
>Open %UserProfile%\Saved Games\Arkane Studios\Prey\game.cfg in a text editor
>Add a line "r_motionblur = 0" at the end
>Skip Intro Movies
>In the game installation folder, navigate to \GameSDK\Videos
>Delete these files: ArkaneLogoAnim_Redux_1080p2997_ST-16LUFS.bk2, Bethesda_logo_anim_white.bk2, LegalScreens.bk2, Ryzen_Bumper.bk2

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