Kotaku bringt es auf den Punkt flat
Autor: K!M
Datum:13.10.17 07:47
Antwort auf:Was ist eine Loot Box von Gendo

Das Gefühl, dass einem etwas, egal wie banal, vorenthalten wird und das obwohl man Vollpreis bezahlt hat.


Kirk: I think when players see developers seeing them as people to be tempted into spending more money, and into buying more things, where they see developers as withholding things from them and saying, ‘You can only get this, through this thing that you need to spend money on.’ An example in Destiny 2 is the fact that ships now, ships and speeders, really only drop from those Bright Engrams that you can buy, from those loot boxes. I don’t believe there is a ship or a speeder for the raid. There used to be, in Destiny 1 you’d get a ship when you beat the raid, and usually it was kind of cool-looking.

Jason: And to be clear, these are entirely cosmetic, ships and speeders.

Kirk: Right, but they are cool things you would get as an accomplishment. It was just one additional thing added to the raid loot table that now isn’t there and is totally restricted to the [microtransaction store] Eververse. So that feeling that they’re taking, even little things like that, out of the game and putting them into the Eververse gives you this kind of feeling that the developers or publishers or whoever is making these decisions is looking at you pitilessly and thinking ‘OK, we’ve got these people playing our game, how can we get them to spend money?’ Which, to be fair, they are, and they have reasons to do that. This is obviously a complicated and multifaceted issue. But that feeling is the feeling that causes players to get so upset about this kind of thing...

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