Re:Wäre schön, wenn das OT nicht ganz tot wäre. flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:24.10.17 08:35
Antwort auf:Re:Wäre schön, wenn das OT nicht ganz tot wäre. von Matze

>Hast Du die Stellungnahme nicht gelesen?

Nein, bin ich noch nicht drüber gestolpert.

>"For a short time, Off-Topic Discussion and Off-Topic Community will be closed so that we can rediscover that. We'll be starting with a clean slate when they come back. However, the focus will be on the many other hobbies we may have like TV, movies, anime, writing, music, etc. Political and social discourse will not be allowed in the new Off-Topic. Those types of discussions greatly added to the harsh and unwelcoming atmosphere of Off-Topic, which pushed many users away. For those worried: OT has not been deleted, and important threads will be archived for recovery once it's open again."

Klingt gut! :-)

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