Re:Bisschen chaotisch flat
Autor: suicuique
Datum:26.10.17 01:40
Antwort auf:Re:Bisschen chaotisch von shertok

in den Rekrutierungsmessages schreibt einer:

All the onboarding right now is being done via community Discords - the various community leaders verified folks were Gaffers and then fired out short-term codes so folks could sign up. Those codes rapidly expire. There's no "invite link" or anything.

General signups will be later on, maybe a few days from now, and it's basically the same system as getting membership and posting rights on GAF.

If you're a member who can swing access onto one of the various GAF Discords and has not already done so, then you should get on there and ask around.

For others, just wait a week or whatever and join normally. Given that it's just another gaming forum from this site's perspective it's hopefully not a big deal for me to post this

< antworten >