Seltene aber starke FPS Drops und Soundaussetzer flat
Autor: Deashcore
Datum:09.11.17 12:36
Antwort auf:Grafikvergleich Switch, XBO, PS4, PC von Optimus Prime

Hmm, ich warte dann lieber noch ein bisschen auf weitere Meinungen/Patches...

"When enemies got a bit too dense on screen or when large numbers of particle effects were going on at once, the frame rate took a major hit, becoming noticeably choppy. If we had to guess, we'd say the frame rate can occasionally drop into the teens.

These drops didn't happen often, but they're there all the same. It seems a few areas are problem spots in the game, but we found it was easiest to reproduce these issues in arcade mode, where more of everything seems to be happening. Audio issues were far more consistent in our experience. During glory kills we would sometimes experience audio not playing at all, and in some levels we noticed problems so severe the game would need to be restarted. Audio would at times be very low and sound effects would instead trigger a popping sound. We're hopeful that these faults will be addressed in a patch."


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