Japan Media Create Sales KW 46 flat
Autor: Moosmann
Datum:25.11.17 17:41
Antwort auf:Wii U ist tot. Eine Bilanz. von Gendo

[WIU] Dragon Quest X: 5,000 Year Journey to a Faraway Hometown Online <RPG> (Square Enix) {2017.11.16} (¥3.800) - 32.835 / NEW <80-100%>
[NSW] Dragon Quest X: 5,000 Year Journey to a Faraway Hometown Online <RPG> (Square Enix) {2017.11.16} (¥3.800) - 26.359 / NEW <80-100%>
[PS4] Dragon Quest X: 5,000 Year Journey to a Faraway Hometown Online <RPG> (Square Enix) {2017.11.16} (¥3.800) - 21.262 / NEW <60-80%>

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