30FPS-Lock auf dem PC flat
Autor: Leviathan
Datum:12.12.17 14:14
Antwort auf:Okami HD (Remaster) (Multi) von Richter Belmont

Alter, dass es sowas immer noch gibt. Playstation-3-Code hin oder her: ich bin mir sicher, dass es irgendwelche Modder wieder hinbekommen, nur der Entwickler selbst nicht.

"Frame rate will be locked to 30FPS. We actually experimented with 60FPS and uncapped frame rate mode, but unfortunately it breaks the game logic, collision detection and animation speed in certain areas of the game. The reality is that it would take a Herculean effort, time and cost to manually fix and QA by trial and error since we’re working with legacy code from PlayStation 3 that was originally intended with 30FPS in mind."

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