Eurogamer zum ersten Jahr der Switch... flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:02.03.18 13:31
Antwort auf:Nintendo Switch #16 - Der Hardware Thread von Fred LaBosch


"How best to chart 12 months in which Nintendo returned to the frontlines, and stirred up a frenzy not seen since the phenomenon that was the Wii? (...) I don't think anyone anticipated it going quite as well as this. (...)

Consider the hardcore well and truly won over (...). Now, though, the real fun begins; the next 12 months are going to be fascinating as Nintendo embarks on a potentially precarious balancing act. With the Labo cardboard toy line, Nintendo's courting the same kind of audience it conjured a phenomenon out of with the early days of the Wii, and the Switch's strategy seems to be to turn that formula on its head: get the hardcore on board first before pushing out to the broader market.

(...) The real trick is going to be charting new waters for the Switch while keeping those existing players happy. There's a sense, with all the big guns having fired their shots, that Nintendo's coasting a little through the early months of 2018, and that Wii U ports and second-tier mascot outings such as Yoshi and Kirby can only go so far to satiate the appetites of an audience left hungry after last year's exquisite feast.

Keeping up the cadence of new releases is one thing; overcoming the not inconsiderable hurdle that is the imminent launch of the online service later this year is going to prove quite another. (...) One year on, to call it functional would be something of an overstatement, and while Nintendo tinkers with its new cardboard toys I hope some other fundamentals - such as the Switch's front-end and its eShop, which is in danger of becoming a sewer of shovelware - are given due attention.

Answers to those problems will hopefully come in due course, but before we worry too much about how they'll be resolved, perhaps now's the time to look back and congratulate Nintendo on everything it's done right the past 12 months. It's been a year unlike any other, for a machine that remains thrillingly unique."

-> Ich hätte es nicht besser sagen können. Ich bin extrem gespannt auf das zweite Jahr dieser unerwartet tollen Konsole!! :)

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