Re:"2/3 are reused campaign levels, rest is PS4 exclusive" flat
Autor: Pfroebbel
Datum:09.05.18 16:29
Antwort auf:Re:"2/3 are reused campaign levels, rest is PS4 exclusive" von Wurzelgnom

>>Klingt ja fett wa
>>"The only new and original Strike is exclusive to PlayStation. These are advertised as new and seperate content, same as they are in the original game. However in the new DLC Warmind two of them are literally just the last two campaign levels, with the third and only original content one being exclusive to PlayStation.
>>As if it was already bad enough when one of the four campaign levels is just set in an old area of Earth, then the last two are also doubling as Strikes. They did this in Curse of Osiris as well but at least then they changed them up a bit, gave them different dialogue and had the excuse that it was a second run of the simulation. Even then they didn’t literally use the final boss of the campaign as a Strike.
>>I can’t stress enough that this is advertised as seperate content to the campaign, just as it is in the base Destiny 2 game. In addition this is in a $20USD expansion.
>>Wenn ich an Destiny 2 denke, kommen mir als Erstes diese dummen Dance-Emotes in den Sinn. Top Game. Top. Game.
>Also ich bleib hart.
>Dachte sie machen mit D2 und der fiesen dlc Politik einiges besser, aber geändert hat sich da nix.
>Mir ist jetzt völlig egal was sie mit d3 vorhaben, ich kauf das nicht mehr.
>gesendet mit m!client für iOS

Jaaaa, ganz ganz sicher nicht :D

gesendet mit AtoM!client für iOS

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