Laut EA 30m Xbox Ones vs 73m PS4 Konsolen im Markt flat
Autor: Rocco
Datum:10.05.18 09:22
Antwort auf:Was ist eigentlich mit Microsoft los? von Kilian

Aus dem EA Quartalsergebnis-Call:


Microsoft sold about 30 million Xbox One consoles by the end of 2017, compared to the 73 million-plus PlayStations sold during roughly the same period
This is is the second time EA has outed Xbox One sales. In January 2016, EA said during an earnings call that about 18 million to 19 million of the consoles had been sold. That means in the past two years or so, Microsoft sold another 10 million to 11 million consoles, a shocking drop from the previous number. That’s also likely why Microsoft is no longer officially releasing those sales figures


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