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Autor: Kilian
Datum:08.08.18 12:09
Antwort auf:[WiiU] und [Switch] Captain Toad, Treasure Tracker von Wurzelgnom


"The original idea for Captain Toad’s treasure-hunting escapades dates back further, when the title was originally pitched as a game starring Link from The Legend of Zelda. Nintendo developers explored the idea of small, diorama-style levels featuring a character that was incapable of jumping. Designers originally envisioned Link as the main character, as he’s known more for his dungeon exploring skills than his jumping abilities. That Zelda game was scrapped, but Nintendo ultimately returned to some of its core gameplay ideas in Super Mario 3D World and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. (...)"

Interessant, dass Nintendo ein Zelda-Spiel erwogen hat, das kein Action-Adventure ist. Das gab's AFAIR noch nie. Vielleicht bekommen wir ja irgendwann mal ein Legend Of Zelda Tactics oder einen anderen kreativen Ableger. :)

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