Re:Nomura goes full ape shit flat
Autor: Sachiel
Datum:30.04.20 19:33
Antwort auf:Nomura goes full ape shit von TroyMcClure

>Responding to the question of why the phrase "Remake" was specifically placed into the title, you can practically see co-director Tetsuya Nomura grinning from ear to ear. Nomura says that it was him who decided to use "Remake," and that there are "two meanings" (oh boy, this is like a Kingdom Hearts ending in real life).
>Nomura says the first meaning deals with "quelling the doubt" that it would be a remaster; so he put "Remake" up there in neon lights to people would know it's legit. Nomura says "he can't answer" as to what the second meaning is right now, and to "ask him again in a couple of years," with a laugh.

>Für alle die ihren 1997er Liebling nicht in veränderter Form wiedererleben wollen - noch ist Zeit um auszusteigen :D
>Ich hingegen kann es kaum abwarten :)

Könnte mir vorstellen, dass er darauf anspielt:

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