Re:Dito und noch viel schlimmer-- flat
Autor: membran
Datum:28.08.20 10:32
Antwort auf:Dito und noch viel schlimmer-- von UsiresAedon

>was da aber an Liebe zum Detail drinsteckt ist schon enorm

Schon irre, was mit nicht enden wollendem Dauer-Crunch erreicht werden kann.


“I work an average 70 hours a week,” said one employee. “There’s probably at least 50 or even 100 other people at Epic working those hours. I know people who pull 100-hour weeks. The company gives us unlimited time off, but it’s almost impossible to take the time. If I take time off, the workload falls on other people, and no one wants to be that guy.

“The biggest problem is that we’re patching all the time. The executives are focused on keeping Fortnite popular for as long as possible, especially with all the new competition that’s coming in.”

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