1.1.2 Patch Notes - hoover muss noch mal ran flat
Autor: membran
Datum:23.04.21 22:53
Antwort auf:art of rally (PC/Mac/Linux 2020, vom Absolute Drift Dev) von membran

An seine Livery-Files meine ich. :)

Introducing the 1.1.2 update! It's been in beta for a while as we've been very busy with the 1.2.0 update and console preparation.

added group videos that have been unlocked by the player to extras menu.
added new class unlock sequence in career mode for more hype!
damage is added to the car after every stage according to the damage setting and stage distance.
cars on wet stages are shinier and wetter looking. dirt will also look muddier and a bit more diffuse on dry stages.

crowd system should now respond correctly to change in settings.
reorganized extras menu
increased car livery texture size from 1024x1024 to 2048x2048 which makes them much clearer
made the new group 4 heritage cars smaller.
on car chooser menu, keep car rotation between car selections
ai gets more damage after every stage according to the player's damage setting
baked water material to be more performant

added missing side mirrors and wind wipers to the original
fix bug where replay ui could remain on screen after exiting replay
fix bug where button mashing 'submit' after restarting race from pause menu would result in continuously restarting
fix bug where the hidden photomode hud would display after taking a screenshot when it should remain hidden
fix grass visible through prop car on villacidro
fix sign always knocked on vestpollen
fix explosive pole on nasu highland
fix incorrect fence colliders on nikko
fix bug where simulator achievement could be awarded without the player finishing in first place
fix ghosts not functioning correctly on haapajarvi
fix issues with removing files from screenshot folder
fixed a Finland road having weird bumps
mac case-sensitive save fixes
ghost corruption fix
volumetric lighting fix for mac
photo mode effects fix
fixed a floating jump arch on normarkku

We've been going hard on the 1.2.0 update which will be going into beta testing hopefully in May.

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