AI: The Somnium Files 2 Wertungen trudeln ein flat
Autor: Bacardi
Datum:23.06.22 08:39
Antwort auf:Visual Novel Videospiele von TroyMcClure


he original Somnium Files was a delight in every way and Nirvana Initiative follows that up without missing a beat. It’s hard to even say which one could be considered better because they both manage to nail exactly the sort of narrative and approach they’re going for. The characters and story are the life blood of an adventure title and they knock it out of the park here. Fans of the original will want to see where the story goes and pick up this sequel


Ultimately, AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is a detective story that needs to be experienced. If you’re a fan of Japanese mystery games such as the Zero Escape series or the Danganronpa games (by the same developer/publisher), Nirvana Initiative is definitely something you shouldn’t pass up


AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative is an exceptional game that hits the same beats as the original, while introducing plenty of fun new characters and a winding, complex plot that is going to keep you second-guessing right to the end.


Das liest sich doch alles sehr ordentlich. Release hierzulande dauert aber noch zwei Wochen. Freu mich drauf, fand den ersten Teil herausragend gut

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