Re:Jason Schreier: Taylor bekam mindestens $15.000 angebote flat
Autor: Wurzelgnom
Datum:19.10.22 13:47
Antwort auf:Re:Jason Schreier: Taylor bekam mindestens $15.000 angebote von emka

>> Here’s where their accounts differ: Platinum Games sought to hire Taylor for at least five sessions, each paying $3,000 to $4,000 for four hours in the studio, said the people, who asked not to be identified because they aren’t authorized to discuss private contract negotiations. That would make the total for the game at least $15,000. In response, they said, Taylor asked for a six-figure sum as well as residuals on the game.
>Zitat aus Taylors Video: "I was just asking for a decent, dignified living wage."
>>Platinum declined and, following lengthy negotiations, took auditions for a new actor. Platinum later offered Taylor a cameo in the game for the fee of one session, which she turned down, the people said.
>>In  an email, Taylor described this account as “an absolute lie” and said Platinum was “trying to save their ass and the game.” She said she stood by everything she said in the video. “I would like to put this whole bloody franchise behind me quite frankly get on with my life in the theatre,” she wrote.
>Sollten die Aussagen der Wahrheit entsprechen, dann hat sich Frau Taylor schlichtweg verzockt, weil ihr irgendjemand eingeredet hat, dass Bayonetta eine megaerfolgreiche Franchise sei. Platinum hat abgewunken, Frau Taylor tritt nach und ist nun über den Staub, den sie selbst mit dem Boykottaufruf aufgewirbelt hat, frustriert.

kann ich mir vorstellen.
Vom Ablauf her alles normal, aber ihre Reaktion darauf nicht.
Aber wie auch immer, hat sich halt verzockt und so sollte man das auch stehen lassen. Passiert halt.

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