Re:Ist Boykott hier wirklich so gar kein Thema? flat
Autor: PooBear
Datum:07.02.23 19:00
Antwort auf:Ist Boykott hier wirklich so gar kein Thema? von Pezking

>"Whatever the nationality or politics of the people who made it, there’s no denying that Atomic Heart is a deeply culturally Russian game, both in its setting and the way it has internalized a certain flavor of late-’90s/early-2000s hardcore PC game: graphically advanced, brutal, systemic, and cynical in its worldview. Its gleeful use of Soviet iconography, and all the echoes of Russian exceptionalism and imperialism that go with it, is hardly unique — many American and European studios have done the same, and without the specificity or the imagination that Mundfish brings to the material. But it does hit different in 2023. For some, it will be hard to stomach, or to support."
>Ich persönlich werde einen weiten Bogen um das Spiel machen.

Und dein einziger bzw. Hauptgrund dafür ist der Soundtrack? Denn das Spiel ist ewig in Entwicklung, da kann das Studio wenig dafür, dass der Soviet-Stil heute different hittet (Bullshit-Argument imo)

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