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Autor: lion88
Datum:29.03.23 13:17
Antwort auf:Gibt es wieder Unterschiede Easy vs Normal? von Optimus Prime

Da spielst es wie immer im opti-style auf Hardcore und dann auf Professional.


Assisted: The Assisted mode is the easiest difficulty in the game. The mode offers plenty of item pickups (ammunition and herbs) and has less aggressive enemies. It allows players to manually save their progress via the typewriters hidden across the levels, which is on top of the very generous autosave system. The Assisted mode also has auto health regeneration. It is best for newcomers, who might not be familiar with the survival-horror genre or don't want too much challenge in terms of gameplay and combat.

Standard: Standard mode is the medium difficulty option, balanced towards players who are familiar with survival-horror games and don't mind the challenge of going up against enemies with limited resources. It is basically like the Assisted mode, but with increased enemy damage, slightly reduced item pickups, and no auto health regeneration.

Hardcore: As the name might suggest, the Hardcore mode is for veterans of survival-horror and Resident Evil games, who want a challenging experience, akin to the classic franchise titles. The mode features significantly stronger enemies and bosses as well as reduced item pickups. There are also a few enemy placement alterations in the mode to keep the experience fresh for players who might attempt the difficulty in New Game+.

Professional: The Professional mode is the hardest difficulty in the game, but one that isn't available from the get-go. To unlock this mode, players need to finish the game at least once on any other difficulty. The Professional mode is basically like the Hardcore mode, but with auto-saves disabled, and parries limited to only perfect parries.

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