Archipel (Channel) - komplett grandioser Content! flat
Autor: pacmanamcap
Datum:02.04.23 16:13
Antwort auf:Archipel Caravan: The voice of Sega von Rac

u.a. Rac hatte den Channel schon mal vorgestellt []

We create documentaries about Japanese artists and creators.

Through a variety of videos ranging from portraits, interviews to longer-form documentaries, we aim at providing peeks in the universe of mangaka, illustrators, game creators, musicians (and more), in addition to insights on various aspects of Japanese culture.

Our channel is 100% ad-free. If you enjoy our content, we hope you’ll consider joining us on Patreon ( to support us on this journey.

For any inquiries, feel free to reach out at sail [at
Thank you for following us!



お問い合わせ先:sail [at]]


Akira “Akiman” Yasuda, the birth of Chun-Li

Toshihiro Nagoshi, making Yakuza - Archipel Caravan

The Dreamcast, remembered by eight Game Creators | Part 1

Was ich bisher hier gesehen habe, auch zum Thema Manga, motiviert alle Streamingdienste abzubestellen und erstmal deren Backlog komplett durchzusehen.

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