50% Discount für Besitzer der FX3 Tische (Steam) flat
Autor: JPS
Datum:12.04.23 17:08
Antwort auf:Der offizielle Pinball-Thread #2 von Fred LaBosch

Unerwartet gab es für den Steam-Launch (am 13.04.) folgende Ankündigung:

These are our way of offering a deep discount on DLC-s you have owned in Pinball FX3 that you might want to buy in Pinball FX now, or anytime in the future.

We will be offering Bundles that include pairs of Pinball FX3 and Pinball FX content, and offer a 50% discount.

Let me explain in an example:

The Williams™ Pinball: Volume 1 Pinball FX Legacy Bundle contains:

- Pinball FX3 Williams™ Pinball: Volume 1

- Pinball FX Williams™ Pinball: Volume 1

- a 50% discount.

What if you have Williams™ Pinball: Volume 1 in Pinball FX3?

- The monetary value of the PFX3 pack gets subtracted from the Bundle price

- You still get 50% off for the remaining PFX pack

Hopefully, this offers an option to enjoy these tables in the new game with the updated graphics, physics, and gameplay experience. Get them Day 1, or just pick them up later - we invite you to enjoy Pinball FX for many years going forward.

Laut User-Rückfragen soll es entsprechende Pakete für alle FX3 Tische inkl. Indiana Jones geben, so dass man alle 100 FX3 Tische als Vorbesitzer mit 50% Rabatt kaufen kann, sofern man die entsprechenden FX3-Pakete (und nicht nur einzelne Tische) besitzt.

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