ZUSATZ: flat
Autor: schattenmann
Datum:18.08.23 13:04
Antwort auf:Re:Habs nun geladen, geht's mit Flightstick? von schattenmann


"For those who don’t believe me when I say Everspace 2 is best played on anything other than a HOTAS configuration, here’s what Rockfish Games had to say on the matter over on Steam: “While this should be solid enough for Early Access (but not the final product!), joystick pilots should bear in mind that piloting a starfighter in EVERSPACE 2 is more like flying an agile assault chopper than a supersonic jet fighter. To defeat ES2-baddies in space, combat is more about 360° two-axis precision aiming and dodging enemy fire by swift two-axis strafing as well as quick-boosting to get out of the fire zone and then turning on a dime to counter-attack. Much different than pulling off barrel rolls, corkscrew loops, or an Immelmann, like in old-school in-atmosphere dogfighting.”

Der Hotas One hat anscheinend ein Preset, aber empfohlen wird es nicht...

Werde es trotzdem mal testen.



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