Re:Täusch dich da mal nicht flat
Autor: FWE
Datum:12.09.23 09:53
Antwort auf:Täusch dich da mal nicht von Optimus Prime

>PlayStation Remote Player Won't Be Given to Press Before Release
>Sony has announced that it will not be giving the PlayStation Remote Player to the press before its release date. The company cited security concerns as the reason for its decision.
>The PlayStation Remote Player allows users to stream games from their PlayStation console to a mobile device. This means that players could potentially stream games to a device that is not owned by Sony, which could pose a security risk.
>Sony has said that it will release a limited number of PlayStation Remote Player review units to select media outlets after the product's release. However, the company has not yet announced a specific release date for the PlayStation Remote Player.
>The decision to not give the PlayStation Remote Player to the press before its release has been met with mixed reactions. Some gamers have expressed disappointment, while others have said that they understand Sony's security concerns.
>Only time will tell whether the PlayStation Remote Player will be a success. However, Sony's decision to not give the product to the press before its release is likely to make some gamers hesitant to adopt it.
>Aber keine Angst, ich hab Googles Bard lediglich gefragt eine Fake news im Eurogamer Stil zu schreiben warum das Teil nicht vorab an die Presse gegeben wird ;p Die Argumentation ist mit Hinblick auf PS Remote sowieso total Banane :D
>Gesendet mit M! v.2.7.0

So richtig witzig ist das nicht. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass viele nach der fetten Überschrift aufhören zu lesen. Mir würde die auch - je nach Thema - reichen.

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