Nintendo f***t die eSports-Szene flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:15.11.23 23:57
Antwort auf:Nintendo Switch #29 - The Super Mario Bros Movie Edition von Kilian

Wäre schön, wenn möglichst bald höchstrichterlich geklärt werden könnte, ob Nintendo sowas überhaupt verbieten bzw. so eingehend beschränken darf:

The vibrant competitive scene includes school and university leagues right up to international tournaments with big cash prizes. But fans tell BBC Newsbeat the strict new community guidelines - aimed at smaller events and which have now come into force - could have a huge impact.

Hugh, who plays in tournaments and also provides commentary, says events like the ones he goes to in London must now be not-for-profit and cannot have more than 200 participants.

The new rules also forbid having a sponsor, offering a prize of more than $5,000 (£4,000), and say people running the tournament aren't allowed to sell food or drinks. Organisers say this will effectively ban the vast majority of competitions in their current form. (…)

Tournaments will still be allowed if they don't meet these rules, but they will need to apply for special exception licences directly from Nintendo.


Ätzend. Idioten!

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