4.5 von 5 beim Hub flat
Autor: Lynne
Datum:07.03.24 08:37
Antwort auf:New Star GP - Retro Arcade Racing [Multi] von Fred LaBosch

Kritisiert wird eigentlich nur der fehlende Online-Multiplayer, anosnten ist der Tester begeistert:

For the most part, New Star GP is a brilliant arcade racer; an adrenaline boosting game that is perfect for five minutes or five hours of intense race action. But as with anything, it’s not perfect. The biggest downside is the lack of online multiplayer, but we’ve found the solo side of things to be a more than capable addiction, if only because there is so much content included. And in terms of other issues, you’re only really looking at very minor things; we feel the checkpoint banners and on-screen texts that hit as pitstops end could do with being more transparent, whilst driving through cars in the pitlane feels weird. Aside from that though, New Star GP is about as close to the perfect retro arcade racer as you are likely to find.


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