Hmm... flat
Autor: Kilian
Datum:10.01.23 09:53
Antwort auf:klingt gut von Pfroebbel


Bin noch nicht überzeugt, dass das wirklich geil wird, besonders wenn ich sowas lese:

Despite being faithful in many key moments, there are some notable changes and additions to the characters. The show, it seems, wants to be less cynical than the game. One early episode, where two characters are completely reworked in plot, characterization, motivation and rapport, is the entire season’s highlight. In the game, these characters’ stories ended with tragedy, bitterness and anger. The show, however, treats these two with far more dignity and grace. (...)

For those familiar with the game, “enchanting and romantic” are two words you might not associate with this story. But HBO’s revision manages to tell a loving story in a loveless, lifeless world. (...) Again, there is more kindness here than the game could have allowed. Joel and Ellie, less hurried by the mandates of driving an action video game, are allowed to talk more, and on occasion, smile and laugh.

Könnte sein, dass mir diese Änderungen in der Grundstimmung nicht zusagen werden. Für mich hat TLoU gerade die glaubhaft aufgebaute Dystopie, in denen viele Menschen nur noch sich selbst am nächsten sind und aus fast schon niederen Instinkten handeln, ausgemacht. Und ich wundere mich auch, dass der Serie zugute gehalten wird, dass sie sich eng an den Ausgangsstoff halte, wenn es gleichzeitig solche Abweichungen gibt.

Aber mal sehen - geschaut wird sie auf jeden Fall! Schließlich habe ich extra für diese Serie ein Wow-Abo abgeschlossen... :)


The Verge hat auch schon was geschrieben und es liest sich ambivalent:

The Last of Us’ focus on people’s relationships and how they evolve was a major part of why the Naughty Dog title remains such a critical darling with a passionate fanbase. As a video game and a zombie horror, The Last of Us’ ability to make you genuinely care about characters like Ellie and Joel, and then feel like an active participant in their quest for survival helped make it feel distinct within the genres. Interestingly — but not all that surprisingly — that distinct-ness isn’t quite as present with HBO’s new The Last of Us series from Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann. (...)

This telling of The Last of Us has a tendency to feel like something crucial to making it work is missing, even though it’s a surprisingly faithful adaptation. (...) HBO’s The Last of Us is a more-than-solid adaptation in the sense that it expertly pieces together a new version of a beloved tale in a way that’s almost certain to reach and speak to a larger audience. But as the showcase of a much-lauded story that’s — for better or worse — been hailed as one of the most significant pieces of art to come out of the video game space in recent years, HBO’s new series is extremely fine. Not great, not terrible, but fine.

Ich versuche meine Erwartungen niedrig zu halten und freue mich auf kommenden Montag...

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