Re:Wolfgang M Schmitt haut wieder einen raus flat
Autor: suicuique
Datum:23.02.23 11:24
Antwort auf:Re:Wolfgang M Schmitt haut wieder einen raus von tHE rEAL bRONCO 2ND

Hier muss ich mal kurz einhaken:

>... However, the situation was changed in 1993 with the release of Jurassic Park. (Spielberg, 1993). Steven Spielberg’s directed popcorn extravaganza introduced a newer concept of filmmaking, which was later known as the “Summer Blockbusters.” Due to the success of Jurassic Park, film studios started producing movies in different timelines. Drama genre movies were produced to be released from January to April in a calendar year, followed by the big-budgeted summer blockbusters during May to August."]

Ich kenne das so dass die Ära des Sommer Blockbusters mit Jaws eingeläutet worden ist (und dann in Folge Star Wars, Indiana Jones, und wie sie alle hiessen)

Nciht erst mit Jurassic Park. Ich finde obigen Absatz zutiefst verwirrend.

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