PC-Account kann EINMALIG übertragen werden... flat
Autor: K!M
Datum:30.10.13 13:38
Antwort auf:Warframe - eine kleine Historie [PS4, PC] von K!M

Danach laufen PS4- und PC-Account getrennt weiter. Davon ausgeschlossen sind Platinum, Dojos und Clan-Mitgliedschaften. Crossplatform-Play mit PC soll noch kommen. Updates von PS4 und PC können aber ein paar Tage auseinander liegen. Also mir ist das recht, ich werde meinen Account einmalig migrieren und gut ist :)

next-gen kommt! *freu*


Warframers - here is a quick update on PS4 progress as we're screaming toward deadlines and certification!

Account Migration/Duality:

I’m afraid it's mixed news here. Account duality is dead (update timing has killed this, explanation below). Meaning your PC account cannot be shared back and forth between the PC and PS4.

HOWEVER, we have worked out an alternate solution: a one-time account migration option that will copy over your current progress to PS4. This PS4 cloned account will have everything you currently have except for Platinum (contractual) and Clan Dojo/Membership (technical). You will find this one-time migration option in the Account Management area of the website when PS4 launches in your territory.

Your PC account is unaffected by this migration and both will then progress independently... arguably this solution is a better way for players that want to try out PS4 but want to keep their foot in the door on Warframe PC with uninterrupted updates of the latest and greatest.

Cross-platform Play:
Currently cross platform play is a go but likely not for Day 1, expect this sometime during launch window. The two platforms will cross-play only when build versions are in sync (see below).

Why is duality dead? Why cross-platform play isn't always enabled? It comes down to update frequency.

We don't have guarantees yet on when PS4 updates will come out which means they may drift out of sync by several days from PC. If you get a cool new weapon on PC and PS4 does not have it yet, stuff breaks. We could hold PC back, but we didn't think that was fair. Even then, coordinating with multiple console region QA departments adds too many unknowns to bank on this.

I hope this makes sense! I appreciate your understanding, I'm looking forward to seeing some of you Warframers on PS4 next month!

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