Performance Analyse von Digital Foundry flat
Autor: Pezking
Datum:30.11.15 22:02
Antwort auf:Just Cause 3 - My name is Bolo Santosi PS4/One/PC (2015) von Slochy

"What's clear is that neither version of Just Cause 3 is able to sustain a locked 30fps, but it is indeed the Xbox One release that offers a noticeably lower level of in-game fluidity. In our tests, we've compared both cut-scenes and gameplay, and our lowest recorded drop occurs on Xbox One, where a massive explosion sends us plummeting to 20fps, while PS4 plateaus to 24fps in entirely different circumstances - with CPU power the likely culprit for bottlenecked performance there.

In between shoot-outs, both editions mostly hold at 30fps, but once things kick off, it's clear that Microsoft's machine struggles to a more noticeable extent. It's a little disappointing that neither version of the game can stick to its target frame-rate - high tempo combat with lots of performance-sapping alpha transparencies cause issues on both machines - but it's clear that PlayStation 4 has the edge in sustaining target performance more consistently. What's particularly disappointing is that even in areas with little or nothing going on, Xbox One can still have issues - moving into a forest area and spinning around on the spot can cause the engine's performance to drop to the mid-20s, while PlayStation 4 retains the lion's share of its performance."


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